Lingua latina per se illustrata google books
Lingua latina per se illustrata google books

lingua latina per se illustrata google books

I am so proud of myself for reading this whole book cover to cover! I am a Latin teacher and a big advocate for the Active Method, which focuses on meaningful input, conversational fluency, and a reading approach rather than a translation approach.

lingua latina per se illustrata google books lingua latina per se illustrata google books

Now my problem is that I don't want to study languages using materials that don't employ this or a similar method!. My first attempts at studying Latin by the "grammar translation" method met with little success, but I learned so much more with the "natural method" that Dr. "Modus naturālis" Oerbergiī mihi melior modus discendī vidētur. Prīmō linguam Latīnam grammaticā reddendā discere cōnāta sum, sed illō modō paulum didicī. Now my problem is that I don't want to stu Hunc librum satis laudāre nōn possum.

lingua latina per se illustrata google books

Nunc aliīs modīs linguīs studēre nōlō! I cannot praise this book highly enough. It's much better than having to flip to the back all the time.more My advice for both of these: Take it slow, do the exercises, reread each chapter, make sure you know the grammar at each stage. I'm now tackling the second book in the series, which quickly shifts into unadapted texts, which is pretty damn exciting. It was great! It got me excited about learning Latin out of a legitimate love for the language, not just as a part of a classical education in the abstract, and I was able to begin appreciating the nuances that are utterly lost when one decodes instead of reads. I read LL after having done an intensive 2-month course with Wheelock's Latin, so I was extremely well-prepped in the grammar and could focus on what LL really offers: Training myself to read Latin fluently, left-to-right, as opposed to the "decoding" method instilled by grammar-heavy courses. It got even better when I saw how other people were using it online. It was great! It got me excited about learning Latin out of a legitimate love for the language, not just as a par I think LL is excellent. The book includes a table of inflections, a Roman calendar, and a word index, Index vocabulorum.more Hans Ørberg's impeccable latinity, humorous stories, and the Peer Lauritzen illustrations make this work a classic. Each chapter is divided into two or three lectiones (lessons) of a couple pages each followed by a grammar section, Grammatica Latina, and three exercises or Pensa. The thirty-five chapters describe the life of a Roman family in the 2nd century A.D., and culminate in readings from classical poets and Donatus's Ars Grammatica, the standard Latin school text for a millenium. The thirty-five chapters describe the life of a Roman family in the 2nd century A.D., and culminate in readings from classical poets and Donatus's Ars Grammatica, the standard Latin school text Entirely composed in Latin, Part I, Familia Romana, provides an excellent introduction to Latin, including the essentials of Latin grammar and a basic vocabulary of over 1500 words. Entirely composed in Latin, Part I, Familia Romana, provides an excellent introduction to Latin, including the essentials of Latin grammar and a basic vocabulary of over 1500 words.

Lingua latina per se illustrata google books